
Guitar Repair #1076 - Bridge Reglue/ Setup - Fender DG-18CE - Acoustic

Fender DG-18CE
A laminated top guitar seldom calls for a bridge reglue, mainly that restoration costs usually nears or exceed that of the instrument. But on rare cases, I may consider accepting the job, where it's of highly sentimental value. The bridges do take with them some wood from the top and vice versa when the bridge lifts. For a laminated top, most times, some parts of the veneer may give way which tells of its structure integrity, and having to remove the entire layer for the affected veneer further weaken the bridge area. Whether laminated or solid top guitars, I always cut the perimeter of the bridge unto the soundboard, so it actually sits entirely in place. This gives the best gluing contact. If this doesn't work, no amount of screws will suffice. I've done a handful of bridge reglue on laminated top guitars, so far, none have return to me with a bridge problem.
Here's a view of the bridge lift which causes much playability issues
You can see finish delamination in front, caused by the lifted bridge pressing against it
Some of the veneer peel off when the bridge lifts
Removing the affected veneer to provide a flat surface. Putting the bridge back on these loose veneers is not a good idea!
Both mating surfaces cleaned up and matched
Only light pressure is needed for reglue if they fit perfectly
The bottom of the saddle needed to be squared
Nut work
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