
Guitar Repair #598 & #599 - New Handcrafted Saddle & Nut / Setup / Bridge Modification - Yamaha FG730S / Yamaha L-5 - Acoustic

Yamaha FG730S
Saddle in wrong orientation
 Broken bridge pin
 New ebony pins are a little larger, needed to be taper reamed
 Elixir 13-53
Action maintained after all adjustments
Nut action needed some attention for superb action at the first fret 
 Wooden dowel to patch the endpin

 Pilot hole drilled for a new strap pin

 One more for the neck

 Yamaha L-5
This is a higher model compared to the FG730S, but she has more issues that needed attention.
 Action was way higher than comfortable...
 ...low saddle, confirming a neck angle issue.
 Original bridge
Front lip trimmed...

 Sanded off the tint to expose the beautiful rosewood
Bridge pin relief added
 A newly crafted bone saddle test fitted
 Saddle & nut blanks chosen for this guitar

Line drawn for the fret slot depth

 A lot of work, but it was worth it. Not the best action, but best for this guitar.
After-  new custom fitted bone nut 
 Before- worn frets
 After- given a temporary fill
Happy to restore these 2 Japanese guitars for a Japanese owner.