
Guitar travel - Yokohama, Japan

Subway, Yokohama
This trip to Japan is many fold. A break from the usual routine, network, award to be offiicial technician for all repairs/servicing of Yokinobu Chai's (maker of Niibori Guitars) guitars in Singapore, visit Mr Chai's and Mr Sumio/Testuo Kurosawa workshop and also to touch, see, play some historical guitars, '29 Santos Hernandez, '73 Hermann Hauser II, III, 2013 Greg Smallman, Ignacio Fleta, '71 Jose Romanillos, among many others. Last, but not least, the main excuse for this trip is to attend JGA Guitar Ensemble Competition -

It's summer and it's hotter than Singapore. But awesome time for thirst-quenching summer fruits and perfect excuse for

Excuse me for not posting for a while. Expect more to come!

With Mr Chai

Mr Kurosawa selecting a maple set for me.

Favourite Guitar I
Favourite guitar II