
Piano stool for kids - Material cost

1) Plywood - $260 @ 11 Syed Alwi for 10 sets

(Length x Breadth x Thickness)
1) 15 1/4" x 8 1/2" x 1/2" (Qty:1)
2) 15 3/8" x 5 1/2" x 5/8" (Qty:1)
3) 15 3/8" x 9" x 5/8" (Qty:1)
4) 15 3/8" x 1" x 5/8" (Qty:2) (I need blockboard for this)
5) 14 1/2" x 9" x 5/8" (Qty:2)
6) 8 1/2" x 20mm x 3/8" (Qty:20)
7) 7 1/4" x 5/8" x 3/8" (Qty: 2)

2) Paint (black) $12.84
3) Brush $0.86
4) Nails 1" $1.20; 3/4" + 1/2" $2.50

Piano stool for kids - Rejoice MS commission for 10 qty

Clare sis called at 1:33pm and asked if I want to make stools for them. 15 mins later, I got the job for 10 stools at $75 each. Not bad a project, at least open me up to different market!

Project 2011 - Niibori guitar copy

Today marks the start of me copying the Niibori guitars with loaning of 2 guitars:-

Bass NB-6S - Yukinobu Chai fece in Tokyo No. 6 (serial 095239) 63,000Yen S$987
Guitarron - Yukinobu Chai fece in Tokyo No. 20 (serial 035302) 150,000Yen (maybe) S$2350

from Yuying Sec Sch, as intiated by Kevin Yeo.

May the LORD bless the copy of these instruments that they may be instruments of choice for schools!

On homepage:-

Caution: Many Guitars imitating Niibori's Original Guitars of each
sound range (Alto Guitar, Cembalo Guitar, Bass Guitar, Guitarron, etc.) are
being put in market in Singapore recently.
Please be careful. You will be able to purchase orthodox original
guitars from the shops nominated by Niibori Guitar Singapore. You will be
also able to confirm at this Home Page.

Maestro is the culprit!!!